Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Free Will Vs. Predestination

Aightt..lets talk religion for a minute...this free will and predestination debate has confused me to no end, time and time again..but I think i've finally found a way to make sense of it and draw some sort of conclusion...Okay..In Islam the term predestination refers to God’s decision to create and to govern creation, and deals with the extent to which God's decisions determine ahead of time what the destiny of groups and individuals will be. For example, He has foreordained the span of every person's life, and their lot of good or bad fortune, who they will marry and so on. What I want to discuss is the extent to which salvation and damnation are decided by God before hand, and the extent to which these matters are decided by human beings themselves. Are people confined by God to particular roles/lives/a certain destiny or kismat or do they have free will to make their own destiny? Basically the question is when people say " It's not my fault..yeh tu meri kismat thee to hona he tha no matter what i did!" are they right!?!

Risaleh-i-Barkhavi says: “Not only can He (Allah) do anything, He actually is the only One Who does anything. When a man writes, it is Allah who has created in his mind the will to write. Allah at the same time gives the power to write, then brings about the motion of the hand and the pen and the appearance upon paper. All other things are passive, Allah alone is active.”

The Quran says, “If Allah had willed He would have made you one nation. But He leads astray whom He will and guides whom He will. But you shall certainly be called to account for all your actions.” (Sura 16: 93)

Hmmm…kinda confusing..pre-ordained sin ("he leads astray whom He will") yet man is held responsible?("But you shall certainly be called to account for all your actions.")What confuses me is that if God knows everything, He must know the future of every human being before his/her birth, and if He knows the future- he knows who will do what, how everyone will die and whether they will go to heaven or hell. How then can we be free? and then why the whole game with satan if He knows how its going to end?!!Since Allah has power over everything, He knows and decides everything in His universe and whatever happens in this world happens according to Allah's will (Be it poverty, war, rape, famine, murder, homosexuality and so on).Then why are we held responsible for our actions?! If we don’t have free will and God has decided our fate before our birth why are we judged according to our actions here on earth and punished or rewarded accordingly!?!

The other point of view is that although Allah has the knowledge and power over all things, He has also granted freedom to human beings. Allah's power and foreknowledge do not mean that human beings have no freedom, nor does human freedom negate Allah's power and foreknowledge. Human beings are free only as much as Allah has granted them the freedom. Thus Allah will judge us according to the freedom and responsibility that He gave us.

After some seriously severe confusion about this topic, my conclusion is that Allah knowing how a new born will lead his/her life does not interfere directly with that child’s free will; it does not affect the decisions that child will make during the course of his/her life. For example if you’ve watched Constatine, God and satan both influence human beings to do good and bad deeds respectively, but the final choice is up to us. Another example is that of a parent who knows his/her child will fail the exam because he/she is not studying, but that does not affect the child’s decision to study/not study/fail/pass. Therefore Allah's power and knowledge and human freedom may not be mutually exclusive. I believe we do have free will, albeit limited, because things like birth, death, whether we are born an empress/prince or a pauper, the religion we are born in to and so on (the larger framework) has been predetermined; but we do have free will in the smaller framework( how we choose to live our life).

Also this is how I have made sense of the concepts of predestination and free will: Both exist in varying degrees and I believe that God has said okay if this person chooses path A, xyz will happen and if he/she chooses path B, jkl will happen and so on. So we have the free will to choose option A, B or C but once we choose a certain path ( e.g marry ali instead of raza, study math instead of history etc) then the other obstacles/gifts on that path are predetermined. Moreover since there is no concept of time for Allah, our whole dilemma about Him knowing before our birth etc becomes totally irrelevant. So basically I think we have free will and so we are tested and judged based on what God has given each of us individually. This is just my interpretation and the conclusions I have come to..lemme know what you guys think.

heaven/hell Posted by Hello


Blogger KM said...

while i was reading this i was mentally trying to come up with a definite answer...and as i progressed u came up with ever possibilty i thought of.in fact...i didnt get to finish and had to leave...and i came up with more because i kept thinking about it...and wheni came back with another option...ud thought of that too...so i basically agree with ur conclusion.it makes sence to me...and im gonna stick to it warna...i dont know wat else it could be and that makes me restless.
i like ur blog...it makes me think.

4:25 AM

Blogger Meher said...

Hey Haroon, thank you so much for your comments..and of course i know who you are, the nikka/panda duo adore you..about the article i agree that destiny/Allah's knowledge of our actions etc does not take away our freedom of choice and action. The article states it perfectly,"Thus He knows in advance which path — good or evil — each individual will choose and what will be his or her final destination — Paradise or Hell. But such knowledge does not mean that He makes each person choose a certain path." So yea we do have free will and we should just try and do the best we can in this world!

5:33 AM

Blogger Meher said...

thankx khizzy! :)

5:34 AM

Blogger Jerry shah said...

basically i agree with what haroon said.we dont know what Allah knows.hence we have the free will to choose our own path,make our own decisions.where we're born,to whom etc creates some problems.posing a theocratical question.what if a person is born to tribesmen in the remotest parts of papua new guinea/africa/amazon basin etc.what if he's born to a non-muslim family.what if we take this question two hundred years back where there was no internet and very little knowledge about Islam amongst many non-muslims.do such people go to hell or do they have a different criteria.more or less 90% of the worlds population has faith in a higher being.plus all cultures no matter how for lack of a better word savage teach values such as family values etc.in essence its my belief that Allah will reward good human beings.whats good only He knows.we can only try to find out.

1:58 PM

Blogger Jerry shah said...

actually the Quran and sunnah basically tells us what defines a good person.i just meant to say that we cant judge the goodness in and of other people.Only Allah can.

2:00 PM

Blogger Meher said...

Jarrar the people born to tribesmen in the remotest parts of papua new guinea/africa/amazon basin etc.didn't choose to be born there..it was predestined by God..now the question that you posed- will they go to heaven or hell?! as i said I think God will judge us individually based on our actions ( since we have free will)and our unique circumstances( where/when we are born etc) ..using different criteria for everyone..and yea ur absolutley right being a good person is a huge part of the equation.

3:13 PM

Blogger Jerry shah said...

its the major part

8:44 PM

Blogger Meher said...

we've been deserted haha..dont worry they'll b back :)

1:32 AM

Blogger Jerry shah said...

i agree.it boils down to being decent in the end.excellently put haroon.meher time for new post.ive become lazy bt my blog.too hot to think.hehe

2:15 PM

Blogger Meher said...

i was justttttttt thinkin that..def 2 hot to think!!!!but yea it is time 4 a new post..perhaps bout the heat haha

4:26 PM

Blogger Meher said...

Rano...you are absolutely right when you say, "sometimes decisions really don’t have direct impacts but might carve the way for something else, greater/smaller." Very well said..but I believe there are no coincidences in life and even the most trivial/everyday decisions can affect our lives profoundly...for example sliding doors shows two versions of the same persons life, in the first version she catches the train and in the second, she misses it. Throughout the rest of the film we see what would have happened in each scenario; and the two versions are entirely different. So one small decision (i.e. missing the train) can change the course of your life. And there is no sure shot formula that can apply to everyone universally, that was just my attempt to make sense of the concepts of free will and predestination. What I meant was not that EVERYTHING else in your life will be predetermined once you choose A,B,C but for example if Rano marries Ali they will experience a different set of opportunities and hardships than if she marries Raza..so even though you are the same person, your choice of marriage partner will result in a different set of obstacles/opportunities based on your choice(e.g. financial status- you know how its said that the woman you marry determines your financial status...I haven’t read it in the Quran and I haven’t yet started reading the hadith but I’ve heard it from enough people to start thinking perhaps there may be some truth to it) so we do have the power to choose our destiny but certain things are predestined and that’s why I say both exist in varying degrees...also I agree that, "the same decision will not have the same result for two different individuals.." that is because each of us are judged/tested by God individually based on our unique circumstances..thank you so much for your comments...good stuff!! :)

4:45 PM

Blogger Meher said...

you self-righteous mother theresa you are ABSOLUTELY right!!hahaha..sometimes it hits me just how lucky we are to have been given so many opportunities by Allah(education,health,wealth,family,friends,our own country etc)I think about the fact that I could have been sardaranh(my maid)and she could have been meher..its not by any karnama of mine that ive been born into priviledge..and not by any fault of sardaranh's that she was born in a poverty-stricken village...it was predestined by God..and i can't help but think i do have a greater responsibility than sardaranh, because i have been given more opportunities...thankx for the comments bubba you are def. my muse ;)

1:55 AM

Blogger Jerry shah said...

its not by any karnama of mine that ive been born into priviledge.haha well said...

5:03 PM

Blogger tin-di-maan said...

only plants and animals have no freewill...i think thats a shair by Allama Iqbal. We all make our own decisions. God knows us so well that He knows which decisions we will make but he doesnt influnce them in anyway. Atleast thats what I have been told.
If you think about the whole story of Adam and Eve. God had already planned to send Adam on Earth. "...I am creating a representive of mine on Earth..." So Allah wanted Adam to eat the apple. I guess cuz he wanted us to learn the concept of repentence and seeking forgiveness and how God does accept forgiveness when asked for it.
Maybe God jsut influences what the Prophets do to teach us lessons. Its a lot a bit confusing

1:21 PM

Blogger Meher said...

I think God and satan influence us indirectly..you know the whole concept of satan behkaofying us...and God helping us out...( watch the movie constantine it illustrates this well) the pieces just fit...we do have free will...and God is All-knowing and All-powerful..but i dont think God wanted to send Adam to earth... adam and eve exercised their free will and as a consequence and punishment they were sent on earth...I think prophets were not only influenced by God they could converse with Him...

3:10 AM

Blogger tin-di-maan said...

If God dint want to send Adam on earth then y did he say in surah Bukarak "...and I am creating a representative (khalifa) of mine on Earth.."

3:18 AM

Blogger Meher said...

my explanation is that as a consequence of adams own actions ( cos he had free will)he was sent on earth and then God told his people that Adam is His representative on earth...as he was the first Prophet( since all prophets are representatives of God)

9:19 PM

Blogger Khurram said...

I believe we have free will and that we are not predestined. I have a rather lengthy explanation on my blog:

Predestination or Free will

5:46 PM

Blogger Asfandyar said...


very enlightening post and discussion by everyone involved.

"Now, there is absolutely no possibility that the Holy Quran is incorrect."

I'm afraid i don't agree with that. Now i'm not saying that the Quran IS incorrect or that there HAVE been tamperings, but i find it rather ludicrious that you can be so myopic in accepting that.

There ARE possibilites that it may be incorrect (our printings right now that is), if for nothing else but simply because of the time period.

9:39 PM


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