The truth is life is IRONIC…there are so many oh so ironic anecdotes we can narrate from our own experiences and hundreds we can see in the lives of those around it makes perfect sense that the mass media/pop culture (mainly movies, songs etc) has capitalized on this phenomena and thus created material time and time again to reflect this truth (the ironies of life!) of these my favorite is Carlito’s Way…
Al Pacino, the sexiest man alive, plays a Puerto Rican ex-con Carlito, who after serving time, pledges to stay away from his former drug dealing ways but finds himself being dragged back by his past connections into a life of violence and crime. Hoping to raise enough money to get away from New York, Carlito starts running a nightclub, renews an affair with a dancer/old fling/lovahhh and tries to escape his past. When he finally finallyyyy decides to move away to Florida and start a fresh, standing at the train station he smirks, having defeated all his "enemies"….at that moment, Benny Blanco appears outta the blue and stabs him to death. Who the hell is Benny Bronco you ask?!?! his fatalll enemy..his evil twin brother..his lovahhh’s boyfriend?!?! NUP here’s the ironic bit…
Benny was one of those young, upcoming hustler/gangster types who saw Carlito as a role model…Anyway Benny sees Carlito in his club, comes up to him and starts kissing his ass, saying stuff like ohhh ur the greatest..i look up to you bla blee bloo
Carlito for some bizarre reason goes mad and says, “Who the fudge are you? I should remember you? What, you think you like me? You ain't like me motherfudger, you a punk. I've been with made people, connected people. Who've you been with? Chain snatching, jive-ass, maricon motherfudgers. Why don't you get out of here and go snatch a purse.” And thennn Carlito has him beaten up for no reason at alllllllll..probably cos he was in a bad mood, didn’t feel threatened by this kid and thought he would get away with it…basically he was trying to be too cool and phelaoo-fy his dehshat…So isn’t it ironic that Carlito ( the supposed Don) after having defeated all the big shots in the game...was killed by a kid who could have been his biggest ally/sidekick… all because he was in a bad mood...Daymnnnnn!!!
So yea Alanis Morrisette had it right a decade ago.. Life is sooo ironic!!!
An old man turned ninety-eight
He won the lottery and died the next day
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay
It's a death row pardoned two minutes too late
Isn't it ironic... don't you think?
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down he thought
“Well isn't this nice...”
And isn't it ironic... don't you think?
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face
A traffic jam when you're already late
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic... don't you think?
A little too ironic... and yeah I really do think...
It's like rain on your wedding day
It's a free ride when you've already paid
It's the good advice that you just didn't take
Who would've thought... it figures
I’ve added two verses of mine own :)
He says all the things you’ve waited so long to hear
That he wants you, needs you, loves you and how much he cares
But it’s a year too late
Ahhh the ironies of fate!
Isn’t it ironic..dont you think?
You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone
Then you feel like banging your head against the wall cos ur so frustrated and torn
But don’t worry baby, cos like a phoenix you can be re-born
Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
Life has a funny, funny way of helping you out
Helping you out
I know every cloud has a silver lining..and its all good BUT
Isn’t it ironiccccccccccc…dont YOU think?!?!
my Al

im sorry u cheated this time...this one would not have been so long had u not posted the whole friggin song!
thats minus ten points for you!
but yes...its usually the ironies that make u sit up and think.not the fatal kind like uve mentioned but the ones that 'whack us in the ass' and make us wonder why!
4:14 AM
Haroon, the answer to your question is-sometimes! and it can be frustrating but I’ve realized you can always find likeminded people...and those that are on your wavelength...and by that I don’t mean people who always agree with your point of view but instead offer some type of intellectual stimulation...not everyone will think the way you do or grasp what you are saying immediately, but if you try and explain your point of view/theories/ideas in a different way (once you change your approach) the disconnect will start to diminish...
4:11 AM
khizzy the pizzy..i didnt paste the song to increase the length of the bloggggg silly woman..i did it cos A.i absolutely lurveee the words and B. they totally apply to my blog..and yea the "why" question is soooo frustratin!!!
4:16 AM
the irony is that i memorized this really cool anecdote about lifes ironies.but ive forgotten it.boohoo.memory's has really gone to the cleaners.
3:00 PM
Hey Meher. I'm finally back in Lahore and my wireless Internet gets hooked up today and so I will start commenting regularly on Jarrar and your blog, and start writing my own again as well. I have no himat to do it on my mom's desktop. Just to let you guys I have been reading, just been too jet lagged and lazy. Also meher, lets make lunch plans?
7:21 AM
but valid generalisations nevertheless haroon.i think rabia's onto something we concluded earlier we are masters of our own fate in many ways.
5:00 PM
Bubba you are so right, things make sense eventually and you realize why it happened the way it did and Alanis Morissette is saying just that, “And life has a funny way of helping you out when you think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up in your has a funny way of sneaking up on you life has a funny, funny way of helping you out..helping you out” so she is saying life helps you out cos there is usually a good reason behind why it don’t see it at the time but eventually it hits you...BUT that doesn’t mean what happened wasnt ironic...and it is IRONIC that we sit here and whine about everything that’s wrong with the government and the “system” and yet we don’t want to do a damn thing about it..and the bit about the child dying outside isn’t ironic its just TRAGIC!!! The America example was a little bit of a generalization(but i see your point)..cos while I hate American foreign policies and think Bush looks like a monkey..I don’t hate America or Americans at all..I drink coke/pepsi cos I’ve been addicted to it since I was about 5 yrs old hahaha
5:19 PM
muneeba..glad ur back..killer heat huh!?!lets get together kal, parsonh cos then my sisters will be back by the 1st and i'll have no time..mail me ur no. and lemme know what day works 4 u
6:03 PM
haroon im not much of a reader..and i blush when i say that, outta embarrassment hehe..but of the books i have read,i like Orientalism,The Da Vinci code,the way of the wizard,the alchemist,unholy war,pride and prejudice..ive been dreadin that question all my life hahaha...but i just finished the da vinci code n my summer project is to raid jarrars bookstore get a pile of books n read read read..any suggestions!??!
2:23 AM
haroon i have the prince..i have all these books i brought back from Michigan but never read haha..but soon i shall change this tragic tragic truth..anyway i was gonna start readin angels n deamons but perhaps i should read the History of Western Philosophy better be good okay..i'm gonna hold u responsible :)
5:33 PM
nahzy the wahzy woo woo...missed u man!good 2 have u back 2 the blog world haha..anyway about ur comment "when we say "that so and so has happened because there is some good in it", do we say that only coz its reassuring??" hmmm trickyyyy..i think sometimes perhaps it is to reassure ourselves, and sometimes other people say it to reassure us..but there is some truth to it..things happen for a reason..and there are lessons in both victory and failure..but we have to increase our level of awareness to first see the lesson and then learn from it...usually we dont do either hahaha...and perhaps thats the problem...about how we can be sure of the forthcoming good!?!? we can't! all we can do is have faith...usually we see the good later..thats the point...and you can't be helped unless 1. you want help/think you need it 2. you want to help yourself...know what i mean my girlie poo
5:50 PM
"we all wish that ALL could be simple and good; yet when it is, we complain abt the lack of spice in our lives" hahahaha sooooooooo damnnnnn trueeeeeeee..whats wrong with us?!?!
3:14 AM
sana: FINALLY and i absolutley agree with you...
nahz: "ironically frustrating" IT IS!!!!! hahaha so damnnnnn trueeee
haroon: i'd love that thank you so much!!!
6:23 PM
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