The Old Cow-New Cow Theory

According to Glenn Wilson, “The males of most mammalian species have a definite urge towards seeking variety in their sexual partners. If a male rat is introduced to a female rat in a cage, a remarkably high copulation rate will be observed at first. Then, progressively, the male will tire of that particular female and, even though there is no apparent change in her receptivity, he eventually reaches a point where he has little apparent libido. However, if the original female is then removed and a fresh one supplied, the male is immediately restored to his former vigor and enthusiasm.” interestingggggg
Also, “Rams and bulls are unmistakably resistant to repeating sex with the same female. A single bull can be relied upon to do the rounds of all the available cows, and a single ram will eventually service all the sheep in his domain. Male animals do not choose their mates randomly: they identify and reject those that they have already had sex with. In the case of rams and bulls it is notoriously difficult to fool them that a female is unfamiliar. Attempts to disguise an old partner by covering her face and body or masking her odors with other smells are usually unsuccessful. Somehow she is identified as "already serviced" and the male moves on to less familiar females.” Glenn Wilson, The Great Sex Divide
The thing is human beings do have animal instincts and so I think this theory sheds light on why so many men (not all) tire of their long-term partners and long for something/someone new. But even if we ignore this specific application of the theory( cheating or leaving your old girlfriend/boyfriend for a new one) we know that ANYTHING new seems more appealing, be it a new pair of shoes you just have to have or a new book you’ve just bought and cant wait to read. There is a degree of mystery, excitement and pleasure that is associated with anything new. Perhaps this is because once we’ve had something for too long we start to take it for granted; the old becomes the standard and boring and anything new is seen as fresh/different and therefore thrilling. Even if we have the perfect partner, after a while, we start to take them for granted and in the words of Carrie Bradshaw the relationship starts to lose the "tza tza tzoo".
Okay okayyy i know human beings are more complex and there are a thousand different factors that affect human emotions/relationships/decisions; and as tempting as it may be, no one single theory can be used to explain human behavior- fine. I realize this theory is one-dimensional and we happen to be a little more complicated than cows, but comon this theory, as simplistic as it may be, does bear some resemblance to the truth, doesn’t it?!?!

45 Comments: wondering about what it was that inspired u to suddenly get up and write this post!
khair anyways...i suppose if i were to belive in the old/new cow theory, it would save me from seeking answers to the countless questions i want to ask the opposite sex!
i feel the questioning session could get dirty with a full, police thana interrogation scene, secluded room, single chair, lots of hair pulling and slapping!lol!
im losing it here!lol..but yeah..beliving in the theory would be easier, and more fun!
this post was fun.
khizzy(old cow,*sniff*)
8:13 AM
I used to blame it on their compartively low IQ levels..they don't know whats good for them, but the cow theories good, i'd like to think they have brains like cows.=D
12:20 PM
I just got married, a month ago. I like to think my new husband will stay faithful to me.
I think the theories you wrote about are interesting, but in the case of humans, I think there are other factors aside from the biological ones that contribute to bad behavior. For example, societal acceptance. If a man thinks he should have many lovers and mistresses because other men do, what's to stop him save his own moral fiber and perhaps his love for his wife, which could and should be based on much more than sex?
As well, I think the influence of his family life will have power on what he chooses to do. If having mistresses and cheating on his partners wasn't talked about and frowned upon in the home, then he might be more likely to take advantage of extra-marital affairs to satisfy his urges.
My husband's parents are happily married. They've stayed committed to each other for many years and judging from all my experiences with them, they really DO love each other more than anything. I've seen Stoker's father wait for his wife to get home before eating dinner even though we were eating already. And Stoker's mother always goes to support her husband in his many races and triathlons. It's beautiful. And I want my relationship with Stoker to be like that.
I think the biggest problem with guys having affairs, lovers and mistressess, is society's complacency about it. Ultimately you, as a women and wife, have the power to demand more, and what choice does a man have but to give it when he really loves a woman? Women have the power, I think, to make men better men. And good men want to be better men.
10:21 PM
Haha meher, very interesting. I am sleepy right now, this is after dinner at PC, but I agree with your theory of men losing the tza tza tzoo. I will post in the morning again, I have new DSL cable so my internet life is back to normal ...smooch
2:52 AM
i think "men" are too scared to say anything about this theory hahaha...
khizzy:yea believin the theory is easier it def answers a lotta those unanswered questions hahaha
lilly:i have my fingers crossed hopefully we will find the few that are smart/intelligent/bloody goodlooking/hilarious/charming/sporty and totally besotted about us to a point where they dont even notice other girls!!!!!! unlikely hahaha but inshallah inshallah inshallah we willll!!!!!!!!!!
aries: you are right...there are other factors besides bio that contribute to cheating and social acceptance is definitely one of the big ones.Another one is probably feel secure and get a warm fuzzy feeling when you see the love Stokers parents have for eachother because you know this is the kinda relationship he's seen growing if you married someone who's father was an alcoholic and a womanizer and mother was a lonely ol woman you would probably be a little social acceptance/upbringing/the company you keep are all important factors
Women do have the power to a certain make their stance clear from day one and make sure the guy knows that if he fools around shes out..women do have the power to make men better but they have to want to change first..
what do you do if/when you have 3 young kids and you find out hes having an affair?! trickyyyyyy...but not all men cheat so lets hope we are with the 5% that dont/wont ;)
han: i remember in school we would be like if my husband everrrr cheated on me i would cut off bla bla bla...basically everythingggg hahaha...but as you grow up u realize really notttt...but i still havent figured it out...what should the woman do?!?! i think she just has to leave him...theres no other can you share your man with another woman!?!? ewwwww
nahz:I dont think all men are all about 'sex'??? atleast i hope not :) and sometimes i think women just cant change men...the thing is yes people influence eachother certain habits maybe given up bla bla bla but we cant change the basics..its just not possible..
i think maybe we have been looking/hanging out with the wrong guys who need to go through 100 girls to know which one they want to be with...thats just not righttttt!!!!and what does a woman have to do in order to inhibit their man from cheating?? i think the only option is to leave them..but of course in some cases its just not that simple...and theseeee women theseeee women who
get involved with committed men?? Yukkkkk
11:20 PM
None of the men will post here. I bet ya! Welcome to the world of bloggers sakina!
10:07 AM
"You might want the new cow for some time, but the old cow will always be the old cow" true but if a guys cheats on you once twice thrice and comes back..toooo damn bad my conclusion is that its just not good hell with him...the only option is to leave him...even if hes realized his mistake because hes not worth your love/affection/time/effort/energy..let him sit and sulk and know that he lost the best thing he had in his life for a supposed "physical need"- that best thing being YOU!! besides how would you be able to live your life with someone you dont could you live a life of fear and insecurity...nahhh..hes not worth it!!!!instead of lying to urself tellin urself he'll changeee for youu (which is never going to happen)let him go and find someone who you dont have to change!!
12:14 AM
nahz i agree that when two ppl come together they have to compromise and since we are all unique individuals both the guy and the girl have to make little changes in their personality and lifestyle to accommodate eachother...sometimes even habits change (only when the person wants to change them himself/herself)but that is different from changing the basics of a person (values,morals,idea of right and wrong) i think, no matter what we tell ourselves, a woman can never change the basics of a matter how hard you matter how much you mother him...
at the end of the day you just have to ask yourself...if hes done it to me once why wont he do it again!??! okay maybe he made a mistake...we are not perfect... everyone is allowed to mess up..but if hes done it to me twice,thrice,four times why wont he continue to do so forever...
it takes months even years to build trust..but how can you trust someone who keeps lying to you and keeps breaking that trust...
you are right everything is a risk and there are no guarantees in life...there is no guarantee that the next person you meet wont do the same...but atleast there is a chance he might...
yea you ought to do what makes you happy...but heroin makes some people happy as well..what im trying to say is that everything that makes us happy isnt always good for us...sp. in the long run..
i dont mean to sound like a miss- know-all but its just that after a lottttt of thinking about the topic ive realized that cheating cannot and should not be tolerated...the only option a woman has is to leave the man...of course thats my own personal point of view and the conclusions i have come to...its just that it would be nice to find a guy you dont want to change..and who doesnt try to change thats true love :)
2:07 AM
okay i admit i was generalizing a bit hehe..the thing is this whole cheating phenomenon makes my blood boil..but its true that we dont live in a perfect world so shit happens and we have to deal with it the best we can...ultimately we have to weigh out the pros and cons and do what makes us happy...and if the same thing makes our family/friends happy as well nothing like it...but the comforting thing is that matches are made in heaven- the Quran says matches are made in heaven and celebrated on earth...sweet huh!??!(i didnt quote it cos i dont rem the exact words) also it would help if we knew who that wonderful match was!!!slightly frustrating!!!wouldnt you say!?!
3:26 PM
what utter nonsense and whats wrong with wanting fresh partners.we want fresh air fresh water fresh food so why not fresh mates.i cant believe i just wrote this.hahaha
3:50 PM
jarrar shah i wanted a guys perspective but now i think i was better of without it hahaha...oh soooo profound!!!!!
secondly..leaving an old partner for a new one is different and slightly better than cheating... please tell me/us whyyy sooo many guys cheat?!?!
2:55 AM
wouldn't u if u were a guy?
6:30 AM
no actually i wouldnt...i dont see any point what so ever
12:17 PM
Firstly, I just want to say, a well analyzed abstract.
I think we all agree with the fact that animals are a different being altogether and even if our genes are 98% the same as of apes. Plus, most animal males are promiscuous and mate with different females as much as possible so that more offspring carry their particular gene.
Consequently, us humans, and particularly us guys - I doubt that we want more and more of those genes in different offspring. So maybe it contradicts us guys from the idea of being with different females, unlike it is in animals.
First thing that comes to my mind as being a guy is “Dominance”. I guess maybe we are too flamboyant and egoistic about the fact that we have a physical and authoritative dominance over women.
Secondly, I think it’s not a big cost for us to be cheating on our partner because we don’t really have to face severe consequences unlike a girl; like society barriers, being knocked up and etc.
Plus, there are statistically more women in this world than men, so why not satisfy the needy ones?
Basically to sum up the whole case, I think we men can easily get away with such a crime unlike women. Maybe that’s why women are more selective about such issues than men. Maybe that’s why you see more men cheating than women.
I personally think that a guy is led astray easily through peer influence. We are not very conscious about our acts like girls. Though these are just futile and delusive excuses to convince oneself but I think we guys just mingled the whole principle of ‘setting limitations’.
“Its not a matter of Good or Bad, Reality or Illusion, nor
Its a matter of Here or There, but
Its a matter of where you stand between them”
Sighed: A Man!
11:42 AM
so now men are compared with rats, rams and bulls. Interesting!!
2:43 AM
Well.. I do agree that the male gender is more prone to cheating, however the answer is quite simple and lies in the fundamental differences between men and women. I am generalizing it quite a bit, but women usually tend to be more emotionally involved in a relationship and their cheating behaviour is a result of a sense of disassociation from their male partner. In other words, they have to fall out of love or lose the binding force that once kept the relationship alive, and that, usually takes some time. Males, on the other hand seek pleasure more than emotional involvement, and the pursuit of pleasure is easiest of all pursuits. However, in my opinion atleast, it's easier for males to give up the cheating behaviour than females. So in Shakespearean words, ".. it's a mingled yarn, both good and evil together".
2:59 AM
As a guy I have also noticed that while women may not cheat on men as frequently as men cheat on women it goes without saying that every person will find some joy in the excitement of something new, even if it's just a day dream.
While watching a TV show recently their where male Broadway dancers performing. The male dancers were pretty fit and good looking and had their shirts unbuttoned. They began to enter the audience and perform close up to them. In one shot the lead male was dancing directly in front of a woman and presumably her husband.
Now I in no way think this woman was planning on cheating on her husband when this happened, but I did see a light in her eyes and obvious enjoyment on her face. You can argue that she was just enjoying the performance, but I think that if we are honest with ourselves we can all admit that to a certain extent she was enjoying the excitement of fantasizing about being with the man, however brief it may be. Not that she would carry out this fantasy, but that she WAS having it.
So what this tells me is that this cow theory can be applied to both men and women to a certain degree in that over time we get a little bored with the routine of being with the same person. However, each person has a choice as to how they deal with that boredom.
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Even in the most sexually liberated and self-satisfied of nations, many people still yearn to burn more, to feel ready for bedding no matter what the clock says and to desire their partner of 23 years as much as they did when their love was brand new.
The market is saturated with books on how to revive a flagging libido or spice up monotonous sex, and sex therapists say “lack of desire” is one of the most common complaints they hear from patients, particularly women.
8:53 PM
I saw this movie "Someone like you"
with a girl I was dating at the time and never gave it much thought until recently. I'm no cheater, but it does seem I get tired of women after 3-4 months. I would like to attribute it more to 'experiencing new things' and 'new people' and the fact that there are BILLIONS of people out there. How can you say one person is the best for you if you have only dated 3? or 5? Obviously you get experience and you just start to look for certain qualities. Who's to say though, that you won't find new qualities that will change your search. I think we are very much like the cows, but we all have a choice on how to go about it.
1:55 AM
This theory is totally valid. Men want to screw as many women as possible. Not even hot ones. Just as many as possible. I'm married and will never cheat on my wife but I would love it if we had threesomes so that I could have sex with other women while she's there.
Let's face it. Women like to nest. Men like to screw as many women as possible. I got married late in life (45) so I still have the urge, but not as bad. I've had sex with hundreds of women. There was a ten year span in my 20's where I had sex with three different women a week. Thanks to online websites I could post an ad in the morning and have a women in the evening. I screwed them all -- young ones, old one, fat ones, married ones, submissive ones, straight-laced ones, blacks, indians, asians, blonde, brunettes, petite, tall, short -- it was amazing. I'm also very good looking so I probably got more sex than the average male. I still wanton, uninhibited sex with women but I am older and wiser and love my wife and would never cheat on her. Plus she's 15 years younger than me which is hot.
So yes, you're all old cow to me. Nothing wrong with that.
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