Friday, November 04, 2005

The Frustration of Fear and Fantasies

When you're young, your whole life is about the pursuit of fun and happiness with little or no regard for repercussions, you say what you mean/do as you please and somehow just deal with the consequences. You feel like no matter what happens you will be okay…As you grow older you tend to become more cautious, you think before you speak, you look before you leap and sometimes you don't leap at all...the fear of failure, disappointment, regret and repercussions is enough for most of us not to take that leap of faith…fearing repetition of past mistakes and remembering the pain that was associated with them, you shy away from new opportunities- feeling you have too much to lose… With the passage of time your idealistic ideologies and fantasies about life slowly start to disintegrate and before you know it they are replaced by new “realistic” versions altered by the course of negative personal experiences and of course that FEAR…be it choosing a career path, a partner, making new friends and trusting old ones…you learn to protect yourself as a voice from within tells you “ don’t be so trusting” “don’t be so naive” “wake up and smell the damn coffee”…that voice from with in that knows how you have suffered along the way on account of blind faith, trust and the feeling of invincibility-all the wonders of youth and the magic that surrounds it.

When you’re in school all you have to really do is make sure you get into college, when you’re in college all you have to do is make it to class and get decent grades but come graduation and BOOM…you ask yourself “what do I wanna be when I grow up” and then you think “wait a minute…I have grown up! What do I want to do? What do I wanna be? Who do I wanna be with?!?! FOREVER…and that’s scary…the thing is since birth we are told by those around us that we can do anything and be anyone-the choices are endless…but when you grow up you realize that once you choose one option (a job, a career, a guy) all other options go away…even scarier!! The most frustrating part of it all is that when you’re faced with any important decision you worry yourself to death thinking about anything and everything that can possibly go wrong…So amidst a haze of fear and anxiety you’re left to wonder what you really want, why and for how long

I feel like a contradiction…I don’t want to let go of my fantasies…I want to believe-in myself and those around me…I want to believe in true love, in the perfect job that you love and adore-that not only makes you feel productive but gives you a reason to wake up every morning with a smile on your face looking forward to the day ahead…I want to trust, even if I get hurt in the process…BUT the fear of permanence/the idea that this is FOREVER renders me unable to commit to anything…knowing that I have made mistakes in the past and how I have suffered I cant help but worry myself to death with every possible scenario and so many questions-“what if I fail” “what if I get hurt” “ will I really be able to recover- again?!?!”…choices/options/decisions…. weighing the pros and cons, calculating the probability of failure a 1001 times, I convince myself its just not worth it and in an effort to protect myself I decide to take no action at all, cos I figure that way I’ll be safe…but the truth is that is a sad saddd existence…I feel absolutely incapacitated and trapped in a prison of my own making…the truth is sometimes letting go is the only way to move forward because living life in constant fear is not living at all…So this is what I’ve decided to do- I’m going to tell that scared little voice from within to shut up…I’m not letting go of my fantasies…I don’t want to live this jaded existence…I’m going to trust! I’m going to believe and not look back! I’m going to take that leap of faith! Because I would rather try and fail than not try at all…but this time I’m going to dream big and take small steps!! Veryyy small steps and just hope/wish/pray for the absolute best! inshallah!

me Posted by Picasa


Blogger KM said...

wow mehroo,
i needed this.
im graduating in a month and ur post is everything im going through!
im very scared, of the real world...of having to make decisions that will have bigger consequences.
school time decisions were so tame!

i have job offers.some safe, some along the lines of my dreams...and for the time being i ve decided that i wont play it safe!
im gonna follow my dreams...cuz i fear my role as a 'good daughter' will eventually catch up with me.
thats why im scared of graduating!
too many compromises waiting for me!

12:09 PM

Blogger Viks said...

Dad once said: "Give more and expect less". Those indelible words of wisdom make sense. At least at the end of it all, you don't feel disappointed or regretted.

But I wouldn't want to live in fantasies. Maybe because I don't want to belie my thoughts to adhere to something that may actually never happen.

Or even because I think that it would be lackadaisical as if all what 'one' wished for came true.

Having an ideal career, partner, friend is 'boring' - very boring. It's missing that spice of life, that struggle, that endeavor, and especially that hope.

I think life is not about accomplishing, it's about knowing how to accomplish.


5:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey. i just stumbled across your blogg but may i just say clap clap clap. im pretty much stuck in the same situation. almost grown up. scared shitness. confused as hell. dont know where the futures taking me. and mostly not wanting to delve in to anything that may hurt me yet once again. it sounds so easy to consider taking that leap of faith.. but i dont want to fall again. i dont think i can take it even if it is just this one more time. what to do?

9:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Along with the other two sled drivers - his girlfriend, Steena Svensson, and his old Army pal Jokkej Hellgren - he seems as happily suited to his niche in life as the dogs themselves.”

A remark about his guide by a visitor to the King's Trail in Sweden.

Thats the essence of life. Finding one's niche that truly makes you happy.

And its not easy !!!


4:11 PM

Blogger moizza said...

Good to hear from you again. Perhaps it's just the retrospective view that has probably become hazy but I've become more okay with taking chances than I was before, saying stuff without fear for the consequences because what I say is true to me.It's as if, paradoxically, nothing seems important enough not to lose in a weird way. I get that everything is passing. Maybe I'm at the point where I'm trying to see that perhaps reaching the ideal end I want is becoming less important to me and the way I see myself than going for it at every turn, because I just may be paving a path to it and I do believe that whatever happens, given the solidity of intention, happens for the best. The outcome I want may not become near impossible at some point but I think we can turn it to something just as great if the need be.

10:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You "want to believe in true love", in a "perfect job" and a life that gives u a "reason to wake up every morning with a smile"... Great!

I also wish to believe in all that - infact I used to and maybe a part of me still wants to... however, looking at the world around me makes me think otherwise.

Maybe, that's been the case for you as well... perhaps you've come to realise - or beginning to realise - that there is no such thing as true love or a perfect job in this world afterall...

Maybe there's some inexplicable thing called 'love' out there but it comes with its own share of issues, complications and, above all, compromises. A 'perfect job', on the other hand, is an oxymoron.

I like the fact that you have decided not to let go of your fantasies. I can't agree more to the notion of failing while trying instead of not trying at all but have you really come about the 'contradiction' you are feeling within you? Or are u simply perpetuating it further!!!

Do you actually believe in your fantasies? Is the belief still there!
Are you infact looking/waiting for the perfect job and true love or are u simply "wish(ing)/pray(ing) for the absolute best"!!!???

wish u the best in life

A listless individual

7:32 AM

Blogger Meher said...

Khizzy: the time is now!! i know its scary but its also very have the opportunity to shape your life...which ever way u want!!!

"i have job offers.some safe, some along the lines of my dreams...and for the time being i ve decided that i wont play it safe!im gonna follow my dreams" EXCELLENT!!wish you the absolute best!!!

9:05 AM

Blogger Meher said...

Vicky: "Having an ideal career, partner, friend is 'boring' - very boring. It's missing that spice of life, that struggle, that endeavor, and especially that hope." youre right..if its served to you on a platter you cant help but take it for granted..which sucks...but if you've strived for it...theres nothing better to finally accomplish what you set out to...

"I think life is not about accomplishing, it's about knowing how to accomplish." YES and making the best outta the hand youre dealt...and creating new opportunities!

9:08 AM

Blogger Meher said...

Tez: "I've always been a dreamer and i dont think ill ever stop dreaming." Good for long as you have the drive to pursue those dreams

"The real world is always scary but its so much more fun if you really live and believe..." i could not agree with u more

"I went through a weird phase myself some time ago but i've come out stronger and be honest i can actually scream out loud right now that ' I LOVE IT!!'." YAY!!

"all id say is be true to yourself and always BELIEVE!!! Great come back for your blog..nice one!!!" Thankx :)

9:17 AM

Blogger Meher said...

Anonymous: "hey. i just stumbled across your blogg but may i just say clap clap clap." thank you :)

"im pretty much stuck in the same situation. almost grown up. scared shitness. confused as hell. dont know where the futures taking me. and mostly not wanting to delve in to anything that may hurt me yet once again." trust me i feel you!

"it sounds so easy to consider taking that leap of faith.." aaa NO!

"but i dont want to fall again. i dont think i can take it even if it is just this one more time. what to do?" spend a lil more time weighing out the pros and cons..and if its worth it take the leap even if ur scared!!!!

i saw this on a fridge magnet once "sometimes you have to jump and build your wings on the way down"

9:29 AM

Blogger Meher said...

xotica: is bout finding that niche..but the process of finding that is what is so hard

mobeen: true...all you can do is learn from your mistakes and become stronger and wiser!! or atleast try 2 :)

9:30 AM

Blogger Meher said...

Moizza: where have you been?!?!

"because I just may be paving a path to it and I do believe that whatever happens, given the solidity of intention, happens for the best." ABSOLUTELY

"The outcome I want may not become near impossible at some point but I think we can turn it to something just as great if the need be." ahanhhh ahanhhh

Raja of Mahmudabad rahimahullah: “What does the ant know of the pattern
of a Persian carpet?” It is as if the ant is crawling through a forest of trees of the carpet and does not know what the pattern is, but if we look at it we see that the ant is in fact moving through a completely structured and determined set of patterns of enormous complexity.That is the reality of the existence of that instance. But this is also true of us.

this may sound insane..but i missed you hehe

9:40 AM

Blogger Meher said...

Anonymous/A listless individual:

"I also wish to believe in all that - infact I used to and maybe a part of me still wants to... however, looking at the world around me makes me think otherwise." be careful not jaded/bitter/scared/disillusioned by negative experiences!!!

"Maybe, that's been the case for you as well... perhaps you've come to realise - or beginning to realise - that there is no such thing as true love or a perfect job in this world afterall..." no i believe there is...there is someone out there who is perfect for ME...

"Maybe there's some inexplicable thing called 'love' out there but it comes with its own share of issues, complications and, above all, compromises."

of course but isnt that what makes it great?!?! my idea of perfection isnt someone who is perfect per se...its just someone who gets me...its a given that you will have issues/fights/complications/get on each others nerves but if you can accept eachother for whatever/whoever u are and learn to mutually compromise/understand thats PERFECT!

"but have you really come about the 'contradiction' you are feeling within you? Or are u simply perpetuating it further!!!" i hope im not perpetuatin it

"Do you actually believe in your fantasies? Is the belief still there!" absolutely

"Are you infact looking/waiting for the perfect job and true love or are u simply "wish(ing)/pray(ing) for the absolute best"!!!???" ummm both..but at the same time i dont expect things to fall from the sky

"wish u the best in life" aww thanks!

9:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really pleased to read ur response. It seems as if u have everything sorted out for urself - from understanding the fine line between ME and US in a relationship to the fact that one has to work hard to achieve his/her aspirations and goals in life...

Quite a mature perspective on life! I wonder what helped u make this transition...

and, just to clarify, what I was trying to convey when I said "looking at the world around me makes me think otherwise" was that I have decided to take a more realistic approach towards my aspirations/'fantasies' in life... and by that I'd be referring to letting go of my aspiration for world peace - for one :)

No seriously, reality checks are very important... or at least in my case they helped me come out of the utopian world that I had dreamt to build around myself.

Finally, yes I agree that one should not be bitter about bad experiences... and I am an ardent believer of that. Infact, if a relationship turns sour it gives u an ideal opportunity for introspection as well as the time/need to re-assess ur outlook on life --- life as it is rather than the way u wanted it to be!

take care

10:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, its funny i'm not all grown up.. or even close to it.. but sometimes i do feel the way you're feeling.. about being cautious and thinking before leaping and then not leaping at all..

12:43 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah if it were only so simple..good luck to the both of us i guess:)plus compliments on ure orkut pic.
blast from the past.

10:32 PM

Blogger Meher said...

"Quite a mature perspective on life! I wonder what helped u make this transition..." stumbling no actually falling time n time again but learning to get up live n you learn

"I have decided to take a more realistic approach towards my aspirations/'fantasies' in life... and by that I'd be referring to letting go of my aspiration for world peace - for one :)" hahaha yea gettin outta that perfect idealistic bubble is hard but eventually you gotta...but i must admit im not totally outta mine YET :p

"No seriously, reality checks are very important... or at least in my case they helped me come out of the utopian world that I had dreamt to build around myself." ABSOLUTELY

"Infact, if a relationship turns sour it gives u an ideal opportunity for introspection as well as the time/need to re-assess ur outlook on life --- life as it is rather than the way u wanted it to be!" WELL SAID!

1:27 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the follow-up Meher.

It was nice to read ur blog... infact there was something in this piece that forced me to 'comment' on it - for the first time ever! I thoroughly enjoyed our exchange of ideas/perspectives and I guess I also learnt a few things along the way.

Anyway, me gtg cuz its dinner time in this part of the world...
take care

7:10 AM

Blogger moizza said...


muah.keep one writes interesting stuff anymore (even if this is your classic case of the pot calling the kettle black)

9:06 AM

Blogger Meher said...

"Maybe the past is like an anchor holding us back. Maybe, you have to let go of who you are to become who you will be." carrie bradshaw

12:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah and we all know what happened to carrie in the end.hehe

12:34 PM

Blogger Meher said...

hehe what happened to her is irrelevant(im assuming youre talking about her endin up with big)..i personally think if it wasnt fictional and the entire female population of the world (atleast those who followed the show)wasnt in love with big- she would never end up with him...and even if she did it would never work out...but again as i said this is all irrelevant...the only imp bit is the quote which is fantastic :) doncha think?!?!

2:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

if u say so kiddo :).i agree the quotes nice.i just dont believe that u can wake up one day and say aha no more living in the past.its just a painful,gradual process and as the most famous quote goes time heals all.letting go is just the first step.however getting over 'it' is an entirely different ball game.but hey every long journey must begin with a first step no matter how small.
just make sure u set out on the 'right' and fruitful journey.cheers

4:49 PM

Blogger Meher said...

kiddo?!?! hmmm cute yet slightly belittling hehehe..."just dont believe that u can wake up one day and say aha no more living in the past." I never said that...I do agree that time heals all (HOPEFULLY hehehe)but I think sometimes you do have to make a some what conscious decision to get rid of your baggage(from the past) and stop holding on to the why's...sometimes that is necessary..because wounds heal with the passage of time but time has no bearin on a persons state of mind(the wounds may have healed but a person may still be chasing an attaintable dream= castles in the sky)

but yea "letting go is just the first step." and nobody is saying its far as getting over it in the real/absolute/100% sense is concerned..ummm I dont know if thats entirely possible...

what is possible is acknowledging the mistakes of the past...moping around for a bit(hehehe veryyy important)facing the ghosts of the past and LETTING THEM GO...and of course there are many lessons to be learnt..and the best bit is your learn soooo much about yourself (who you are,what you want,where you went wrong and what you can do in the future to change that)

"just make sure u set out on the 'right' and fruitful journey." can you elaborate puleezy

5:51 PM

Blogger Meher said...

"Whatever the possibilities of freedom we may have, they cannot be realized if we continue to assume that the 'OKAY WORLD' of reality is the only world there is. Society provides us with warm, reasonably comfortable caves, in which we can huddle with our fellows, beating on the drums that drown out the howling hyenas of the surrounding darkness.'ECTASY' is the act of stepping outside the caves, alone, to face the night" Peter Berger(149-150)

In other words: "to be self-conscious agents in conditions, not all of our own choosing, but which are still the creation of ours and others previous actions/inactions.

THIS IS AUTHENTIC FREEDOM...the task of each of us" David H. Kessel

3:51 PM

Blogger Meher said...

why sank you bubsy :)

9:32 AM

Blogger Viks said...

ahem .. waisay .. I left a comment a while back on "The Old Cow-New Cow Theory" under Anonymous.

I thought at least one guy should come out and talk. It got lengthy for some reason, but .... yeah!


2:19 AM

Blogger Meher said...

vicky: im sorry i dont check old posts and so missed your comment...
"Consequently, us humans, and particularly us guys - I doubt that we want more and more of those genes in different offspring. So maybe it contradicts us guys from the idea of being with different females, unlike it is in animals."

actually accordings to certain psychological studies(according to my psych prof)some people/scientists believe that men are programmed to "spread their seed" even the characteristics that are now known as "sexy" (small waist/bigger hips)are those that show fertility in ancient times, the infant mortality rate was very high so couples would try to conceive as many children as possible, in the hope that some would survive(prob with more than one wife) this may offer SOME insight into the sad cheating phenomenon...

women on the other hand are believed to be progammed to seek "security" for themselves and their offspring to ensure they survive etc...this may explain why some women look for "security" = rich spouses..hehehe...but it is too simplistic and obviously its not so black and white..but the connections are interesting never the less...

"First thing that comes to my mind as being a guy is “Dominance”. I guess maybe we are too flamboyant and egoistic about the fact that we have a physical and authoritative dominance over women." yes..that is true..and this need for power/dominance is also applicable to the psycho men who use violence against women to feel good/powerful/dominant/strong about themselves...but of course they are nothing but cowards!!

"Secondly, I think it’s not a big cost for us to be cheating on our partner because we don’t really have to face severe consequences unlike a girl; like society barriers, being knocked up and etc." YES men usually have less to lose and some just do it because they feel they can!

"I personally think that a guy is led astray easily through peer influence. We are not very conscious about our acts like girls." yup another reason is peer pressure/ influence/encouragement/endorsement

“Its not a matter of Good or Bad, Reality or Illusion, nor Its a matter of Here or There, but Its a matter of where you stand between them”

7:55 AM

Blogger Viks said...

"actually accordings to certain psychological studies(according to my psych prof)some people/scientists believe that men are programmed to "spread their seed" even the characteristics that are now known as "sexy" (small waist/bigger hips)are those that show fertility in ancient times, the infant mortality rate was very high so couples would try to conceive as many children as possible, in the hope that some would survive(prob with more than one wife) this may offer SOME insight into the sad cheating phenomenon..."

Well, I still think that the cheating men won't want this to happen. At least the 'desis'

Other than that, if you really want to know which animals do it for pleasure; it's Dolphins and Bonobos. Others do it to advance their genes. The example you gave of Bulls and Rams, yeah! exactly that. The reason they do it with different females, because they want most of 'em to carry their genes.

Anyhow, you agree to most of what I said so there's no debate.

Hey we maybe jerks, but you girls gotta marry someone :P

7:13 PM

Blogger Jay said...

Very True!

7:08 PM

Blogger Meher said...

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." Closing time - Semisonic

3:52 PM

Blogger Meher said...

"All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time."
Mitch Albom, The Five People You Meet In Heaven

3:37 PM

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6:02 AM


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