The Ant Can't See

This July I remember feeling frustrated and confused trying to decide which course to take: masters vs. work. I craved the freedom and insouciance of life at college and dreaded the idea of work = getting out of the isolated little bubble that was my life in Lahore. My brain was working over time worrying me to death about the “ifs” “buts” and “oh shit’s”. I wanted to escape/runaway to London = my sanctuary where I could be on my own free to do as I please without any restrictions, obligations, questions of marriage and children looming large. I was faced with the opportunity to work in the One Village One Product Programme and I was too scared to reach out and grab it.
Forward to five months later- December 2005 update/current status: I got back from London three weeks ago after a much needed and refreshing 6 week break/change of scenery. I got a taste of the freedom I craved, ate like a maniac,took a trip to rome and many trips to new york,watched movies and learned how to make shoes hahaha(amongst other classes I was taking shoemaking at saint martins = trying to delve in to something creative for inspiration and fullfillment)Since my return I have started working at SMEDA (small and medium enterprise development authority) under the One Village One Product Programme (now known as AHAN aik hunar aik nagar) and I’m loving it. So I am very very grateful to God because I feel like I got the best of both worlds in SMALL doses- of course I didn’t get exactly what I wanted but its close enough for me to be ecstatic!
Point: Life has a strange way of working out/going your way even when you least expect try and be patient (which is next to impossible for me to do hehe)
Raja of Mahmudabad rahimahullah has said: “What does the ant know of the pattern of a Persian carpet?” It is as if the ant is crawling through a forest of trees of the carpet and does not know what the pattern is, but if we look at it we see that the ant is in fact moving through a completely structured and determined set of patterns of enormous complexity. That is the reality of the existence of that instance. But this is also true of us.”
So the ant can’t see the pattern, but that don’t mean it aint there :) YA SEE!?!? So even if you can only see the trees you have to know that you are actually making your way through a matter how lost and direction less you feel, know that you will find your way...I’m not saying I have found mine but I know ill get there one day...all we can do is put in our all and know that we will get there- EVENTUALLY! inshallah :)
verryyy niiiiiceee mroo! hahah its funny how we wrote about almost the same thing less than 24 hours apart without even knowing what the other was writing or thinking!!! We're cool.
Like I wrote in my blog, somehow everything always works out in the end, in the best way. And as we reflect back on our lives and the confusion we felt, it seems quite amazing that there was a plan all along, that we knew nothing about. So yes, we have to be patient and wait. But you're right being patient isn't easy for anyone! we want to know whats going to happen in our lives and when and why... and with who (haha). But I think we should atleast try to keep the bigger picture in mind, and do our best and hope the best comes out of it. And inshallah it will.
5:46 PM
im sitting here in khi while u dance at fi's mehndi...this very minute!
id like to see the frikkin pattern here!
damn PIA, damn the fog in lhr!
12:21 AM
Trying to control everything sometimes induces more helplessness than taking a back seat and taking it as it comes. Deciding when to take which path is a scary thought though. I would like to be a fascist ant-force the pattern to produce what I want against all rationality and logic:P
9:57 AM
Life's too perplexed to be deduced. Yeah, I guess we 'EVENTUALLY' get there, the way we aspire or no! but we wind up our intend.
Think 'bout it - if things work out the way we want, then probably we won't learn anything new.
They never unravel accordingly, maybe just because we are not omniscient - and there are still few trades of life need to be learned by us.
Okay so, even though I didn't make sense up there, but all I meant was: Life's there to be learned through trial and error. Life's lead, not conquered.
-See ya!
PS::: Congrats on getting things worked out - props!
*Jumps on his tricycle and wheels out*
12:13 PM
If we put in our all, we will get there. True. Sit back and wait for it and then expect to get anywhere close to your dreamy ambitions is a false analogy, unless one doesnt have ambition at all. You can not predict the future and can never know for sure where you are headed or where life will take you. That doesn't mean that you dont try to give it (life) direction. A very cool cat once told me that one should think big and take small steps towards attaining your ultimate goal.
You might not conquer it all or on the other hand might even surprise yourself and exceed expectations. The truth is that if you lose focus, you will not get anywhere at all. Your actions or inactions dictate your state. The rest is a game of chance or luck. Any good poker player will tell you that luck is a factor; but if you calculate your odds right, you have a higher probability of getting lucky even on your unluckiest day:)(BM)(Olive Oil)
6:58 PM
"I think the best we can do is accept that we can't have total control over our lives, and we can't possibly understand everything about the world... why things happen the way they happen and what's going to happen based on what happened... the truth is you just never know! And that's okay. All we can do is hope for the best and have faith - that all the scattered pieces from here and there in our lives will fall into place and make a magnificently wonderful picture." Mariam Tareen
10:27 AM
many trips to NewYork hmmmmm.....
interesting-- by the way i never got a name lol!!!!
7:49 PM
Mariam (second comment)..
I agree with you on the fact that we can never have total control over our lives and that we cannot possibly comprehend the depths and mysteries that surround our existence. On the other hand i have a differing view on "hope for the best and have faith - that all scattered pieces from here and there in our lives will fall into place and make a magnificently wonderful picture." I believe you are missing a step before getting to hope. Mere hope without sowing result oriented seeds of success only leads to day dreaming. Trust me, I have first hand experience (Lets keep that between us):).. Dont you think majority of the people of pakistan who live below the poverty line work hard, want enough food to be able to feed their kids, a good education for themselves and their children and in general a humane existence. Dont you think they do their bit and rely on hope? How often do their scattered pieces fall into place? I cannot recall any such individual to have ever termed their life as being a "magnificently wonderful picture." Yes i know, such is the order of life but even this order can be reshuffled. I know that fools inhabit all circles of class and race but even fools with opportunity can learn to tie their own shoe laces e.g. (Leadership of Pakistan since its inception, political, beurocracy, aerestocracy, business tycoons,etc etc.. maybe i am being harsh but i would give it a 50/50 figure)There are certain tools we work with in life and if you equip anyone with those tools, they have a better chance of survival. I believe our notions of too much dependence on a higher power or too little faith; equally has the potential to be devastating. Maintaining a balance is a necessity especially in todays world. I hope that we can all do our bit in promoting its significance especially to those who take refuge in more highlighted endeavours. (BM)
4:44 PM
which rim have you fallen off?
1:38 AM
its just a state of mind...
the ant can't see but even if it could decipher the intricate patterns on a Persian carpet, that won't necessarily change much until and unless the ant is sure about its goal – the eventual destination!
It's all to do with the state of mind: the off-take can be one of frustration – like what’s the point of traveling through a jungle in one direction as opposed to another? what next? why travel at all? am I just following the herd?
Is there a method to this madness!??? Maybe there is, but how can u know for sure that u r actually moving closer to ur eventual goal... especially when u don't even know what it is!
The other stance is that of optimism – or maybe just a case of finding comfort in what u have and where u are... thinking that its in-fact possible to make one's way out of the current mess. I envy those ppl who can curtail their curiosity this way...
I do agree that taking some path is better than staying put but how can I convince myself that this particular path is taking me closer to the final destination.
seems like succumbing to life's mundane humor is at times the only way to attain a sense of self-actualization. Or maybe I am missing something... perhaps the moment of truth hasn't really arrived for me as yet!
Anyway, its good to see a welcome change in u'r outlook from the 'frustration of fear & fantasies' to ‘know[ing] i’ll get there one day’.
best o’luck
take care
5:41 PM
MALO: "funny how we wrote about almost the same thing less than 24 hours apart without even knowing what the other was writing or thinking!!!We're cool." hehehe yes we are but its also cool that two people living in the same home internalize the same info yet interpret,verbalize and view it so differently...personally i like your version better..there is a certain magic associated with it that mine is lacking..prob cos of the age and experience factor :(
"somehow everything always works out in the end, in the best way. And as we reflect back on our lives and the confusion we felt, it seems quite amazing that there was a plan all along, that we knew nothing about." SO VERY TRUE my chanine!!
"But I think we should atleast try to keep the bigger picture in mind, and do our best and hope the best comes out of it. And inshallah it will." YES if hajj teaches you anything its that!!the realization that there is a BIGGER picture and we are all little pieces of a whole...and somehow we are all part of a plan
9:48 AM
ahmad malik is that all you could come up with!??! :(
9:49 AM
Moizza: "Trying to control everything sometimes induces more helplessness than taking a back seat and taking it as it comes." absolutely..this reminds me of something similar you wrote on your blog once..i think it was something to the effect of "take control by letting go" it was so simple yet so damn true..sometimes i feel like we complicate our lives and thought process so much that we forget the beauty that lies in the simple/basic truths of life..
"I would like to be a fascist ant-force the pattern to produce what I want against all rationality and logic:P" hahaha good for with you!!
9:55 AM
Khizzy my pizzy: "im sitting here in khi while u dance at fi's mehndi...this very minute!
arrrrrrrrrrgh!id like to see the frikkin pattern here!
aaaaaaaargh!" i dont know why/how that was for the best but i want you to know that you were sincerely missed by us all!!! YESSS damn the fog for keeping khizzy away from us!
9:59 AM
vicky: "Think 'bout it - if things work out the way we want, then probably we won't learn anything new." very trueeee mistakes and decisions(wrong or right) are what make us who we are and shape our long as we learn from them and alter ourselves its all good
"Life's there to be learned through trial and error. Life's lead, not conquered." true!
10:02 AM
Batman: "If we put in our all, we will get there. True. Sit back and wait for it and then expect to get anywhere close to your dreamy ambitions is a false analogy, unless one doesnt have ambition at all."
true thats why you cant stand have to take have to follow your dreams...and even if/when you feel directionless you have to still keep going...and as you said "You can not predict the future and can never know for sure where you are headed or where life will take you. That doesn't mean that you dont try to give it (life) direction."
"The truth is that if you lose focus, you will not get anywhere at all. Your actions or inactions dictate your state. The rest is a game of chance or luck. Any good poker player will tell you that luck is a factor; but if you calculate your odds right, you have a higher probability of getting lucky even on your unluckiest day" WELL SAID!!!i could not agree with you more!!!
3:13 PM
Batman: second comment
"Mere hope without sowing result oriented seeds of success only leads to day dreaming." of course
"There are certain tools we work with in life and if you equip anyone with those tools, they have a better chance of survival." that's true...not everyone has the same opportunity as far as education/background/wealth/income is concerned..which are factors that determine the possible level of success..not neccessarily hard work and dedication..and thats not just limited to our applies to most corners of the world...race matters...class matters..background matters..unfortunately life is not fair..nor is the structure of the polarized society we live in...
"I believe our notions of too much dependence on a higher power or too little faith; equally has the potential to be devastating." oooo i likey!!! very true but i feel its better too tilt toward more faith than none at all...
"Maintaining a balance is a necessity especially in todays world. I hope that we can all do our bit in promoting its significance especially to those who take refuge in more highlighted endeavours" although i dont quite understand what u mean by "highlighted endeavours" i do agree that balance is the most imp thing and once we learn how to create a sense of balance in everything that we do (work/play)we have a higher shot at happiness and self contentment..
3:22 PM
"its just a state of mind" true but isnt EVERYTHING a state of mind..remember matrix?!?! for all we know this world is just a state of mind as is heaven and hell..just a thought :)
"the ant can't see but even if it could decipher the intricate patterns on a Persian carpet, that won't necessarily change much until and unless the ant is sure about its goal – the eventual destination!" hmmm agreed..and thats my point we worry too much
"I do agree that taking some path is better than staying put but how can I convince myself that this particular path is taking me closer to the final destination." FAITH my put in your all pray to God and just keep going!!!of course do weigh out the pros and cons and do the research..theres no pt in following a path blindly for no reason at all..there has to be an initial motivation to be on a specfific path..going in a certain direction...but there will be times when you feel purposeless/meaningless/ your life/actions/existence has no significance...but you cant stand have to make a choice stick with it and keep going
"perhaps the moment of truth hasn't really arrived for me as yet!" perhaps..sometimes it hits you straight in the face..other times its right in front of you but you just cant see
"Anyway, its good to see a welcome change in u'r outlook from the 'frustration of fear & fantasies' to ‘know[ing] i’ll get there one day’." thanks :)
3:37 PM
thanks for the follow-up Mehr
In theory, I agree with all that u r saying - well, except for the Matrix bit ;)
However, I'm fascinated by the transition that u've made, i.e. what u r saying now as opposed to some of ur earlier scripts... Do u know what triggered it? when? how!
I thought you and I had similar concerns about a seemingly purpose- & direction-less existance. You were also worrying too much and I could totally relate to it. Now, at that time, I'm sure you knew or you were told by those around you to have "faith", "put in ur all", "pray to God", "weight the pros and cons", "don't follow a path blindly", "do the research" and all that... BUT u didn't really buy into all this rubric because either u didn't know how much research (if at all what research) to do, or because u were doing ur bit but cudn't convince urself to follow AND commit to one particular path...
as u rightly said, there has to be an initial motivation to be on a specific path. Apparently u've got the motivation bit going for u.
My question is whether u know when & how this happened? Can u actually put a finger on it and say 'Yes, THIS is what showed me the light!'... a lot of ppl i know cannot!
finally, do u actually believe in "you have to make a choice stick with it and keep going" or are u also wary of making a choice just because u might end up having to live with it?
in the interest of keeping track of the conversation(s), lets put a name to my anonymity...
how abt The Matrix (T.M) :p
so, take care
T.M :)
1:23 AM
T.M: "In theory, I agree with all that u r saying - well, except for the Matrix bit ;)" comonnnn the concept of matrix was cool as was vanilla sky...i loved the whole body vs. mind, time vs. space, perception is reality/power of the mind phenomena
as far as the transition and the motivation/trigger is concerned..its diff for can be a conversation with a stanger that jolts you into can be sitting on a sunday afternoon watching an inspirational movie that makes you reevaluate your can be a random comment of an acquaintance...or a warm smile of a friend..excuse my soppy gushy mushiness hahah my point is inspiration can come from anywhere..even the most unexpected places
"I thought you and I had similar concerns about a seemingly purpose- & direction-less existance." we did and to a certain extent we still do...i still worry myself to death :)i dont want to live a purposeless existence and that fear is still with me...but instead of bogging me down restricting me from making using it as a driving force to push me...
but ur right it doesnt really matter what ppl have to realize it for yourself for any kind of real/permanent change and self contentment...
also i do sincerely believe that sooner or later you have to stop running...and "you have to make a choice stick with it and keep going" trying your very best to make it work...but at the same time i am still scared and all the familiar questions of "is this the right choice?" etc continue to circulate in my head but now its like a passing opposed to something that inhibits me from taking action/making choices...
uncertainty and fear has a silver keeps you on your toes..working harder and not taking your situation for granted..
lemme know what you think
take care
5:27 PM
“That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind…when lightening strikes a minute after you are gone, or an airplane crashes that you might have been on. When your colleague falls ill and you do not. We think such things are random. But there is a balance to it all. One withers, another grows. Birth and death are a part of a whole.” THE FIVE PEOPLE YOU MEET IN HEAVEN Mitch Albom
9:53 AM
Mitch Albom, The five people you meet in heaven? No. The one person id like to meet in heaven: Meher!
Talk about lightning striking a minute after you're gone, i think anyone in your company is being hit constantly by lightning.
My word. If only Mirza Ghalib would've been around to see you! (That way i would have had SOME idea on what to say). Ok, seriously speaking, is there like an 0800 number you know of that i could call to get some help now?
5:58 AM
Hello Meher
My apologies for the late reply. It’s been a hectic few days for me.
Anyway, "soppy gushy mushiness"... aaa no comments here, but I luv ur choice of words :)
YES I agree that inspiration can come from the most unexpected places/people – which partly explains why I’m writing to u... welllll to tell u the truth, getting inspired was not the reason why I messaged in the first place but I’ve truly enjoyed our conversations & exchange of ideas, and that’s what made me stick on.
"i dont want to live a purposeless existence and that fear is still with me...but instead of bogging me down restricting me from making using it as a driving force to push me... but ur right it doesnt really matter what ppl have to realize it for yourself for any kind of real/permanent change and self contentment..."
Great. We are on the same page... the only difference is that u r seeing the glass half full whereas I see it being half empty!
"uncertainty and fear has a silver keeps you on your toes..working harder and not taking your situation for granted.."
Sure... and well said. Can’t agree more.
Also Mitch Albom is perhaps right in saying that there are no random acts - and, in theory, I don't refute that. I guess every act is based on a conscious (or subconscious) decision and, more often that not, every act has a consequence...
However, there's a difference between random acts and taking random paths with hopes to hit the right one eventually (merely because everything's connected in the broader 'persian carpet' sense of the world)... maybe there are no random acts - agreed - but there certainly are random paths, and these paths (which one to choose/follow) is whats bothering me/us! plz correct me if i'm wrong.
but this is not to say that I do
In any case, I totally agree with ur approach of "using [fear/uncertainty] as a driving force to push [u]..." rather than letting it bog u down.
gtg now.
btw it’s been a pleasure talkin to u and I wish u the best.
take care
8:20 AM
T.M: "However, there's a difference between random acts and taking random paths with hopes to hit the right one eventually (merely because everything's connected in the broader 'persian carpet' sense of the world)... maybe there are no random acts - agreed - but there certainly are random paths, and these paths (which one to choose/follow) is whats bothering me/us! plz correct me if i'm wrong." you are ABSOLUTELY correct!!! thank you so much for your is much appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed
take care and best of luck finding a reason to see the glass half full!
10:19 AM
"The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know that place for the first time." TS Eliot
"There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged
to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. "
Nelson Mandela
12:49 PM
One word for Mandela, wonderful.
Listen, i wanted to ask you how one could get involved with the OVOP programme? I am not in Pakistan currently so i am a bit lost, even more so because i cant find a site for the programme. Please help me to help others. Thanks.
I can give you my email address if needed. I will check here in a few days. Cheers.
5:36 PM
sure..firstly what exactly do u mean by getting involved?!? Do you mean a full time job?!?! also the website will be up and running soon the meantime I can send you the info you require if you give me your email addy n tell me exactly what u want to know
take care
10:57 AM
Dinosaur here (as far as blogging goes)
2 months 4 days 6 hours and counting..
story so far..
i was forced to read this blog (kidding i was not .. but def is an insight into her life)
so here goes .. my take on mehero
Indecisive YES..
moody yes
a mystery .. no
down to earth .. almost
AND its a small world (totally irrelivent statement
4:00 PM
Office life:
she did come to office with one pair of blue stone studded chapals.. and did the rotation of 3 dresses (all different hues of blue)
Can be a case study on how to OD on coffee and 4 spoons of sugar
And i think she has the "world record" for most yawns per hour
IS actually efficient (ofcouse these sights are few and far apart)
For further info on her "It’s a huge task and a great opportunity and I cant help but think I’ll be a big fat fool not to take it" contact REST of AHAN team. :)
Right now a campaign has been initated to make her mum let her work 5 days a week !!!
4:08 PM
boss why do u have to give me a bad name!??!?! vo bhi on my ownnnn blogggggggg :(
4:36 PM
hey honey.....i thought i might meet u in london rockin....but nowhere to to be read that ure working with shahab coming over for my NGO next week so probably meet u there....if ure actually working see u there....and if uve forgotton me ill be the the most handsome guy in the national assembly next care.....xxxxx
11:19 PM
yes im actually working at will find me there if you actually show up!
2:33 PM
“all we can do is put in our all and know we will get there-Eventually” True. We will all get somewhere, but not entirely sure if that would be where we had wanted to be in the first place. We all crave for satisfaction. Human nature. But then, what satisfaction? Is there really a limit to our aspirations, our dreams, our needs and our greediness? There isn’t any. In fact, the great adventure of life ends the day we find peace within ourselves.
Now it does not mean that we stop doing everything and leave everything to fate. All I am saying is that there are just infinite possibilities/destinations. Two ants going through the same persian carpet will get somewhere eventually but not necessarily the same place. So it does not matter where we get to eventually (because somewhere we all will), but what matters is HOW we eventually get there. Instead of trying to plan our whole life, we need to take small steps to find out what we want, what the world has to offer and what we have to offer to the world. And that is the most important thing: what we have to offer to the world. If God has blessed us with great families and education, then it is our duty to give it to others who haven’t been as lucky as us. What good is my education if I haven’t taught a single word to a 17-year old who has been working for nearly 5 years in my house? What about his purpose in life? Is it just to serve my family? My few hours could alter the course of his life and probably his purpose as well.
My point is simple: If we can just realize the small things in our lives, we would not have to worry about the bigger picture. And then as Mariam said, ‘all the scattered pieces from here and there in our lives will fall into place and make a magnificently wonderful picture.’
Our true purpose is our unique contribution to the world, and that’s something that must be lived, not analyzed.
11:50 AM
Basit: "Instead of trying to plan our whole life, we need to take small steps to find out what we want, what the world has to offer and what we have to offer to the world."
"Our true purpose is our unique contribution to the world, and that’s something that must be lived, not analyzed."
BRILLIANT!!!i could not agree with you more!
4:06 PM
whats this!!
false advertisement!!
kis zamanay ki tasweer hai yeh tumhari lol!!!!!
3:01 AM
shut it chicken cube its extremely recent!!!!!!!!
10:33 AM
and pigs fly!
9:36 AM
heard aitebar by junaid jamshed on the radio this morning..after a decade..and i have to say it was def a mood elevator and a burst of the kind of "everything will be ok" feeling you need at 9 a.m!
"kya hua agar zindagi zara ulagh see gaee socho tu zara jungalonh mein bhi rastay to hein humay bhi koee(rasta)mil he jai ga chalo tu sahi chalo tu sahi"
2:05 PM
well said girl! well said... but why havent you blogged in a long time. get into action, will ya?
5:10 PM
“Chalo tu sahii..Chalo tu sahii…Raasta koi mill hee jayai gaa……” So True!!!
It reminds me of a famous story. After nineteen hundred & ninety nine (1999) tries, Edison finally succeeded in making a light bulb on his 2000th attempt. He was asked: “how did he feel after 1999 failures?”
Edison was quick to reply: “Failures?? I didn’t fail at all. I just found 1999 ways of how NOT to make a light bulb!”
I always thought there was a very fine line between success & failure. Edison further blurred that line!
So the moral of the story: If you fall down, you get up. If you break down, you get moving again. The game isn’t over until YOU say it’s over. Sadly, most people quit before they have even really begun.
So it might take us 100 tries or even 2000, who knows!!
But chalo tu sahee…chalo tu sahee..Raasta koi mill hee jayai gaa!!
Btw thanks for your earlier comment :)
3:20 AM
intellect does find ways to keep itself alive..
10:04 PM
Basit: i really enjoyed your have such a positive yet practical approach to life that your words are truely inspirational...thank you so much for your comments!
10:43 PM
neets i will post soon just been busy with work etc but here are some thoughts:
recently i've been thinking the finer things in life are definitely the weather today in lahore...the wind...the smell of the rain..the excitement of downloading a new fav song...the smell of fresh laundry...the freedom to get outta bed at noon and do as you please with your day on the weekends!!spending time with old friends and realizing that youre still on the same wave length...a tilted head smile from a inside joke with a sibling...
things that continue to frustrate me though are are the cartoons of Prophet Muhammed(pbuh)ARGH!where do these ppl get of complaining about freedom of speech...does freedom of speech give you the right to ridicule anothers religion/prophets/race/sex...satirising jews is considered anti-semitic,statements against blacks are racist,those against women are sexist and those against homosexuals are considered homophobic...what bout us!??!why is an attack on religion/islam/Muslims and that to on someone we hold so high in our esteem supposed to be acceptable!?!
that said im equally frustrated with the actions/reaction of muslims worldwide who dont understand that by burning buildings and causing vandalism they are only harming themselves and feeding/reaffirming the negative stereotypes that exist and are portrayed about Muslims as barbaric and dangerous...why do we always give them eactly what they are looking for?!?!
3:45 AM
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper plays his fiddle and dances the summer away. Come winter the ant is warm and fed. The grasshopper dies in the cold.
- Fable By Aesop!
The ants and grasshoppers sit together and talk, with a pledge to keep minds open and cheap shots to a minimum. The grasshoppers show the ants the many ways in which the economy systematically privileges ants and grinds grasshoppers down -- and the ants listen. The ants tell the grasshoppers about the disappointments, disorderliness, crime they have suffered from grasshoppers -- and the grasshoppers listen. - An Idealist!
12:52 PM
hey meher
sunday- at work- had a little free time after a long time so thought i'd "blog" to you.
I like the whole ant theory- i can honestly relate- even though one says that after marriage maybe life is more structured, i feel rather more lost in the jungle than i was before.
Don't get me wrong, i love the life but my priorities are different. The max of my worries before were studies, work- looking good, working out and me me me...but now i feel like i am the hamster rotating that wheel, i keep rolling and i keep running..i have an aim i have a goal, but when will i get there? im happy with my accomplishments but is this what life is about, trying to reach higher and higher? making money, being successful? having a solid base, prospering our business? making a house? am i being ungreatful????
I am glad to hear you are doing some good work and like your references to FAITH- maybe thats what this life is about, testing the boundaries of your faith and maintaining to keep it solid through every situation.
I used to pray alot more before marriage yet i have so much more to be thankful of now--i will get to that!
On another note, I think the picture perfect life is rather overrated. Yes i want my house to look beautiful , yes i want children , yes i want money, success and fame...but i think what we should do is enjoy the little things.
Enjoying rain and the smell of fresh laundry are symbols of that- for me its waking up to see my husband snuggling, watching the most ridiculous movies with him sooo late at night that in the morning we cant even get up but later laugh about our irresponsible nature- my favourite is when i cook something new and make him my guinea pig- the look on his face from the satisfaction that his wife cooked for him- everyday i see my marriage getting stronger and stronger- that is why striving for success at work- battling the complexity of this intracite persian carpet seems a littel easier- i do get lost sometimes- but sometimes the paths are easier to find if you have someone else searching with you too.
Everything from the clothes we wear to the way we talk is a reflection of the current state of our soul- i think you're doing good meher...and btw the pic is great i dunno why another blogger has said false advertisement? you seem happy and your picture shows that- "ant meher" looks happy...mashallah.
2:10 AM
Hi Meher,
That was an interesting read.
Glad to see that your eloquent self always has thoughtful words to share.
The essence of character lies in doing and actively pursuing our goals. However, though quite unfortunately, the pursuit of goals snatches the vision away from us. We become followers of undefined tracks, and seldom get a chance to look back. The separation of self and the 'work' as a confronting other does not remain recognizable, and then the dreams start fading away. We still do the work, we still enjoy life, but merely exist as functions and not real individuals. Perhaps, in the active pursuit it is a better idea to think about and question the pursuit itself i.e., "to be and apart" from our own lives.
That exactly is the same thought put forward by Iqbal, as he says, "To exist in pure duration is to be a self, and to be a self is to be able to say 'I am'." He does not separate time and self, he defines their co-existence as parrallel entities. We need both, the former to encapsulate our goals in the limited lifespan and the latter to feel content and exist as humans.
take care
9:38 AM
Sakina: so good to hear from know i think all of us at some pt or another start to feel like that "hamster rotating the wheel"...that im working so hard but getting no where feeling...yes faith in our loved ones in God!!! sometimes i feel we get so caught up in the everyday mundane stuff that we forget how important a connection with God is and how wonderful it can make you feel...i feel just as we need stimulation for our mind and body we need it for our soul, which poor baby is ignored more often then not n thus that we have that i have everything but feel incomplete feeling.
"im happy with my accomplishments but is this what life is about, trying to reach higher and higher? making money, being successful? having a solid base, prospering our business? making a house? am i being ungreatful????" i personally think life is about "tuesdays with morrie" you'll love it!!
"for me its waking up to see my husband snuggling, watching the most ridiculous movies with him sooo late at night that in the morning we cant even get up but later laugh about our irresponsible nature- my favourite is when i cook something new and make him my guinea pig- the look on his face from the satisfaction that his wife cooked for him- everyday i see my marriage getting stronger and stronger- that is why striving for success at work- battling the complexity of this intracite persian carpet seems a littel easier"
awww im so so happy for you mashallah! you guys seem to have a great relationship..i hope it always stays this way..and when you do grow and change you guys grow together inshallah!
"sometimes the paths are easier to find if you have someone else searching with you too" ABSOLUTELY!!! its a wonderful thing...and i think if you are lucky enough to find that hold on tight and be very very grateful!
"you seem happy and your picture shows that- "ant meher" looks happy...mashallah." thanks sakina :)
12:36 PM
anjaan: "The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper plays his fiddle and dances the summer away. Come winter the ant is warm and fed. The grasshopper dies in the cold.
- Fable By Aesop!" NICEE :)
unfortunately i didnt quite get what the other bit was about as far as what you were referring to!?!? can you please elaborate?!?!
12:39 PM
Thanks for your appreciative comments :)
I completely agree with you on the Cartoon controversy. However, I’ll like to add a few thoughts:
I believe that ‘Freedom of speech’ should go hand to hand with ‘Responsibility of speech’, otherwise we might blur the distinguishing line between ‘speech’ and ‘abuse’.
“why do we always give them eactly what they are looking for?!?!”
Because we let the few wrong ones represent us all. These wrong ones represent a verrrrrry minute fraction of our total population. And they are not really religiously motivated but simply frustrated at their everyday sufferings or have been brain-washed by a few politically-motivated elements and when such a controversy happens, they bring out their anger/frustration all in one go. But then such wrong elements are present in every society. So where is the problem?
The problem is with us (the silent majority). We understand that burning our own buildings and looting our own banks only harms us, yet we keep silent. We let these confused/frustrated people lead us whereas we should be the ones showing direction, showing the right ways of protest etc. We watch these few wrong ones take their out misdirected frustration, yet we choose to remain silent.
For a moment, let’s forget the cartoon controversy. I want you to consider the ‘terrorism’ issue. The word ‘terrorism’ has re-defined the world over the last few years, yet the entire Muslim Ummah remains undecided. We haven’t decided which side of a fence are we going to stand? Either we are confused/lost or we know what we want, yet we do not make a strong statement of that!
A few sipah-sihaba elements would brutally murder scores of innocent Shias, yet the millions of Sunnis stay quiet in their homes. 1000s of innocent people died in 9/11 attacks but did we (the silent majority) really react? I know many people were elated over those attacks, but those who felt that these attacks were ‘a crime against humanity’, did they make any noise?
My point is simple: We would be lost in bewilderment forever until we make our decisions; Decisions pertaining to global terrorism, sectarian violence, democracy/dictatorship etc. The world would view us with suspicion until we make it crystal what we really believe in. The wrong elements would keep on providing reasons to the world as long as the silent majority sits in confusion and indecision. We cannot sail ahead with our feet in two separate boats.
This is one of the toughest times for our nation and we need to find a quick remedy. And the remedy lies in those unanswered questions which we have been deferring for quite a while now.
1:55 PM
ahmed: "We still do the work, we still enjoy life, but merely exist as functions and not real individuals. Perhaps, in the active pursuit it is a better idea to think about and question the pursuit itself i.e., "to be and apart" from our own lives." exactly!! well said! otherwise we end up feeling lost/directionless/incomplete.
thank you so much for your comments ahmed.I was reading your blog and i could totally relate to what you were saying.I will leave you a comment soon :)
3:04 PM
Basit: "We watch these few wrong ones take their out misdirected frustration, yet we choose to remain silent." so true..but we the silent majority along with our own selfish reasons dont want to take action because we dont believe in ourselves..we dont believe we can really change the system...we dont believe in our selves and our power as instruments of change...and we are disheartened/disappointed/confused.we want to make a differece but dont know how..
"The world would view us with suspicion until we make it crystal what we really believe in. The wrong elements would keep on providing reasons to the world as long as the silent majority sits in confusion and indecision. We cannot sail ahead with our feet in two separate boats." absolutely!!!!but i feel we are a confused nation without a concrete identity...grappling to cling to/borrow opinions/traditions/customs from different nations at different times...
bush's visit and its portrayal in the american/international media is frustrating because it is highlighting and exaggerating our weaknesses...the fact that we are a dictatorship, the fact that we train "freedom fighters" and send them to kashmir while on the other hand we are fighting "terrorsim"...the fact that we are constantly begging the U.S for monetary support/hand outs..the fact that we are inconsistant...and inconsistant we are!!!!
4:08 PM
Basit: you raise some good points there. I liked your usage of the word 'nation' in a broader spectrum for the whole of muslim nation. Woefully inadequate is the condition of our nation these days. However, in my opinion atleast, the root of the problem does not lie in the present course of events; probably not even in this generation. It's a fact that muslims today are the most illiterate of the followers of major faiths. Low literacy rate and deliberate promotion of the "Beorgeoise culture" under most muslim regimes has left an average person with a narrower band of choices. The general lot is frustrated and under-previleged, and that coupled with lack of in-depth understanding of the religion leads to directionless violent acts.
Meher: Both the West and us share the blame equally; them for deliberately provoking us by using such deragatory terms, and us for letting them. Yes, there's extermism, fanaticism and hatred being promoted in the name of religion. However, they still need to draw a line as to tell how a terrorist and a freedom fighter are different. Anyone who blows up innocent civilians or advertently spreads hatred is a terrorist. However, are those those who try to protect their land, culture, beliefs, identity and honor from foreign invaders terrorists as well? It's quite ironic that the luxury of some is worth more than the lives of many. Perhaps, today 'black gold' is worth more than the blood.
I feel guilty as I am writing this, as there isn't much to contribute from my side other than a few words. However, it is still gladdening that awareness is spreading among us.
11:27 AM
baita aap urdu say translate kar rahain hain...?
12:17 PM
ahmed: "However, they still need to draw a line as to tell how a terrorist and a freedom fighter are different." the problme is different parties will use different definitions to suit their own agendas...osama bin laden n al qaeda think that their faith has been attacked and therefore all's fair in war= an eye for an eye= you attack our religion and occupy our lands and so we will attack yours..they claim it is self defense..they claim they are "protecting their land, culture, beliefs, identity and honor from foreign invaders" the same time we may think our freedom fighters in kashmir are waging jihad but many would call them terrorists.
2:53 PM
shujaat: none taken...i agree with you..thats what im trying to get at..whats the solution!??! i think basit may be on the right track..but how do you overcome the "one person cant change much" dilemma?!?!
2:57 PM
how do you overcome the "one person cant change much" dilemma?!?!
through Faith my friend!!! (Meher, in fact, you figured it out yourself in one of your earlier posts). Faith in oneself, faith in God and faith that good time will eventually come!! And my faith tells me that a person is as powerful as he/she wants to be. He/she can achieve just about anything. And history proves that because when I look back into time, I see Edison, Newton, Vasco De Gama, Imran Khan (for the cancer hospital), Mandela, Dr. Mahatir and the list goes on and on...They all started on their own as one person. But they all believed in themselves. They believed that they can bring about a change on their own. Once someone has such a strong faith, the struggle/jihad becomes a lot simpler.
So if Mandela, Mahatir, Edison and all can achieve the unexpected then why can't we?? God has blessed us with the same qualities. All we need is a strong faith in ourselves and a persistent struggle to achieve our goals. And then as Aitchison taught me for years “Perseverance commands success!!!”, I could not agree more.
Shujaat you are right that we need to do more than just talk. So things that we can do:
For those of us studying/working abroad, lets make a point to spread awareness among are friends/colleagues. If we can talk about movies, songs, sports, cultures, work etc., we can surely add a line or two about our religion. “Hey Paula, Josh, Aniya…Jihad is no holy war. It’s a struggle to make one a better person ….” Another thing we could do is to be good ambassadors of our nation (the Muslim Ummah). Show the world that we are normal human beings who believe in peaceful co-existence. A little awareness can do wonders! For those of us at home in Pakistan, we should spread awareness amongst our friends and colleagues. Write in the newspaper/magazines. Little things propagate bigger changes.
As we grow, we will adopt roles where we can influence bigger changes. Some of us will land in politics, some in bureaucracy and some might join private sector. Where ever we go, whatever we do…lets not give-up!! Just keep trying and trying. We’ll find a way out!
And together We all will….one day-InshAllah :)
12:52 PM
ahmed: I agree with you about the lack of education amongst the Muslims today and Pakistanis in particular. I will be putting something with regard to that along with the implications of Bush's trip on my blog!!
Aha!! trying to promote my own blog u know! Make sure u guys check it out in a week's time...otherwise...Ummm..I would still keep on posting on your blogs :P :P
Before I forget...I'll like to share something with you all:
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come from the depths of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sands of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action;
Into that heaven of freedom, my God, let my country awake.
12:59 PM
/\ Insha'Allah to that
11:19 PM
basit: "Aha!! trying to promote my own blog u know!" hahaha you should :)
you are on the right track and your words are very inspirational...thank you so much for your wonderful comments...inshallah we will all contribute to this great nation in our own unique way...
p.s have you seen rang de basanti yet?!?!
12:33 AM
Meher: "thank you so much for your wonderful comments" --> the pleasure is all mine. Thank you for giving us all a reason to share our thoughts and giving me an excuse to take time off my not-so-exciting research :P
Rang De Basanti was SUPERBBB!!!
I luuuuuuved it...Especially the message it was trying to convey!!
So here it goes in the list of my favourite movies!
Btw, watch Cinderalla Man if you haven't seen it already. It sums up our entire discussion about faith and unflinching hope:)
2:11 AM
Basit: I do see that you have the ability to write quite well. So do post somethign new on your blog to divert all the traffic away from Meher's blog. j/k
2:48 AM
basit: i loveddd rang de basanti and cinderella man was just amazing..a real tear jerker but excellent!!!
5:58 PM
Lack of awareness...desire to make a difference...putting thoughts into action...and..Rang De Basanti ;)
Ahaa!! any guesses where I am going with all this???
Meher, I think you should do a short play/skit. Seriously, I am very serious!!
Give it a thought!
6:46 AM
Wow. OK, i dont know much about pattern (though i do know about ants, if you ever ask), but how do you manage to get so many comments. Ok, most are yours, with different pics, that too, but its still a lot of comments.
hello, anyway.
11:28 PM
Where have you been? Even sent a message through Batool to tell you to write a new post:P
5:38 PM
really?? never got the msg..will write soon..writers block..wanna write bout hajj n cant seem to be able to put the experience into words!!! missed youu!!!hehe
10:10 PM
Hajj.Whoa.Is it as pardigm shifting as they claim it to be? I'm a bit wary about going. It seems to encourage a mob mentality of an entirely different kind:P
3:43 PM
Meher: Miss your interesting posts. when are you gonna put something new on your blog? Writing about your aesthetic Hajj experience seems like a good idea.
have fun!
10:34 PM
Bahut faarigh insaan ho tum ahmed!
7:53 AM
Ok, I agree. That last one was .. but I was feeling bored.
12:04 PM
aur sari net main tumhain sirf yehee blog mila tha...? Akhir chakker kya hai!?
12:40 PM
8:44 AM
ab khush? Waisay it's only because of the thoughtful personas of some people that I visit their blogs.If you still have any doubts, feel free to contact me directly.
6:26 PM
ahmed: sorry for the disappearing act..been busy with work etc..yea youre right its about time i got to writing again...and the first thing i want to write bout is def haj!! thank you for your comments
anonymous:clearly ur commenting as often as ahmed then why the issue?!?!
12:26 AM
Good to finally meet you!!If the din had been less I would have said more than just screamed a hello to you.Come by again.It's not like Batool and I have riveting work at the moment anyway:P
4:15 PM
After reading your blog I cannot help but to comment that you are one of the few Pakistanis who actually have some spirit of philanthropy. Sorry for such an abrupt start let me introduce myself. My name is Asim. I was just going through random blogs and fortunately/unfortunately a blog with interesting title “The ant can’t see” came up. In that blog I saw the names like SMEDA, AHAN and a smile came on my face. Reason = my people are helping each other to make a better Pakistan. I believe that every person can do something to make our country better; either it’s participating in a program like AHAN or teaching kids in spare time. The opportunities are endless. I am not showing off or anything but I made ( to show the world what is Pakistan. People often say to me “why are you wasting your time on something that is free,” and my answer is “it’s not always about the money.”
"The ant can’t see" brings me to a very good point which is "Do we (humans) see the bigger picture?" In this modern age of 9 to 5 work and 6 to 9 TV people do not see the bigger picture. Their eyes are open but they are not seeing anything. In this century where we go for designer clothes, do we ever stop and take a look back at those people who have nothing to eat and what they are wearing is torn into pieces? Do we? I don’t know…
It was a pleasure reading your blog.
Asim Goheer
3:20 PM
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