Sitting here writing my first blog I have to say I feel very Carrie Bradshaw-ish…something I secretly craved but never thought I would have…for some reason I feel the need to introduce myself..having graduated last year from the University of Michigan I took a year of to relax, breathe, catch up on four years of sleep deprivation and basically sort out my life… adjusting to life in Lahore was easier than I had initially anticipated but like most people moving back after college I experienced the usual post college blues…waking up in the morning slightly disoriented, expecting to wake up in my little apartment in Ann Arbor, snapping at anyone in my family who dared to criticize me, craving the Thai food I liveddd on, no curfews, walking around the campus, the side walk cafes, thanksgiving trips with my friends to random destinations, and yes even the cruel cruel Michigan winter. So yeah moving back to Lahore definitely had its panic attack/suffocation moments but of course life here does have its innumerable advantages and so you learn to adjust. Anyway, when I finally arrived in Lahore I made a list of all the things I would do:
1. Gym
2. Learn how to drive (yes I know it sounds crazy but after a hilarious yet near fatal accident I just couldn’t get myself to sit behind the wheel)
3. Spend time with my family and rebuild/reestablish the bonds that have suffered because of the four years spent apart.
4. Finally read the Quran with the translation.(kinda defeats the purpose otherwise)
Anyway the year went by in a flash …of course I never did most of the things listed above...except finally reading the Quran and bonding with my family…now a year gone by and here I am going for my masters to London in two months…
At a time like this you look back on your life and start to reevaluate and critically analyze it…you think about what you have achieved and all the things you haven’t..which are usually greater…looking back on the last 23 yrs of my life I thought of about my childhood, the random games, ring around the roses (pronounced ringa ringa roses at the time hahaha) playing ninja turtles, earth garden river ocean sea, teacher teacher (haha)Atari etc, my first day of school and the tears when my father left me- the betrayal!!, choueifat and eight years of absolute joy, applying to college, the ecstasy of an acceptance letter and the four fabulous years at college. I thought about the people who mattered to me at all those different stages of my life, about promises made, promises broken, and about the few friendships that endured the test of time. I thought about the expectations my friends and family had of me and whether I was able to live up to them; I thought about what kind of a person I’ve been (daughter/ sister/ friend/ girlfriend). And of course I thought about all the frustratinggggg mistakesssss along the way that I so desperately want to take back but know I can’t.
When I was a kid I thought by 23 I would have it all sorted. I assumed that I would have finished college, I would have a great job and successful career, the perfect man who would adore me (intelligent, charming, hilarious, good looking, would take care of me, you know the kinda guy who kisses you on the forehead) I thought I would be self assured and oh so mature. Sitting here right now I realize I have none of that…no guy no job no career no definitive goals and maturity?!?! Ha I feel like I’m sixteen…I have always hated uncertainty I have always planned my life in a way that I know what will happen next year but today- I know nothing!!! And in a weird way (and I surprise myself when I say this) this is such a liberating feeling. Sitting here alone on my bed I know I’m content in a strange and wonderful way. Yeah I’m scared to death and my mind is cluttered with a million questions about how my life will be- will my life be ordinary or extraordinary? Will I be rich or poor? Will I live in my own little bubble or will I do something worthwhile for my country? Will I make my parents proud? Who the hell will I marry? Will he love and adore me? Will I be a good mother? Will I live to be a grandmother? Will I go to heaven or hell? How will I be remembered after I’m gone?!?!
Today I know nothing about the future!!!!!!! I berate myself for all the things I failed to achieve, all the mistakes I could have avoided, and the good advice I didn’t take, but something tells me everythinggggs gonna be alrightttt ( Bob Marley style) And about the mistakes that I kick myself about each night before going to bed?!?! Well I have chosen to accept the mistakes of the past and learn from them (actually I’m in the process of doing that)…you see each one of us has a unique personal biography (made up of values, motivations, emotions, goals, concrete experiences). This personal biography is shaped by our gender, background, class, religion, the society we live in and the decisions we’ve made thus far in our lives; both good and bad. If none of us had ever made the mistakes we have, if we hadn’t loved and lost, if we hadn’t swayed of course- we wouldn’t be who we are today.
This is how I see it- there is always going to be a disparity between the person you are and the person you want to be, and I guess that is what keeps us motivated, keeps us going, striving harder and constantly. As Paulo Coelho puts it, "But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're fighting for."So we have to keep believing in ourselves… we have to keep fighting for whatever cause we feel passionate about…we have to understand that we will fall…we will be dealt a few bad hands..we will fail..but like a phoenix if we can rise from our own ashes we will be stronger, wiser, happier and better equipped to deal with whatever is in store for us in the future! Inshallah!
The phoenix